Afternoon How-to Workshop: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

September 12, 2024

Amidst global challenges, there is an increased recognition of the need for mutually supportive relationships, at all levels, that recognise the interconnectedness and interdependence of people and planet. In the final breakout sessions during Day 3, we will discuss how to sustain those connections despite myriad challenges. We expect delegates to draw inspiration from recognising that transformative change can happen in different ways.

In this How-to Workshop, speakers will promote a dialogue about volunteer measurement and 'how to' approach it from different perspectives, focusing on the needs and challenges of the volunteering and development sector.

Moderator: Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University)

 Speaker: Tapiwa Kamuruko and Vera Chrobok (UNV)

  • Title: “Exploring the challenges and opportunities of volunteer measurement: the State of the World Volunteerism Report (SWVR) and the Volunteer Index”

Every day, volunteers contribute their time, skills, and passion to communities across the world. The individual voices, anecdotes and stories of these volunteers are testament to their tremendous contributions and work. The value of volunteers and volunteerism to the Sustainable Development Goals and peace and development is also recognised by United Nations Member States, who increasingly reflect the positive contribution of volunteers in their Voluntary National Reviews. However, there remain significant challenges with generating reliable qualitative and quantitative data across different settings, that can document and explain its impacts. To address this, the United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV) has selected the measurement of the value and contribution of volunteer work as the topic for its next edition of the State of the World’s Volunteerism Report (SWVR), to be published in December 2025. It will include an updated methodology for calculating global estimates of volunteer work, and present research around the measurement of (i) the value of volunteering on the individual volunteer as well as to communities and societies; (ii) the contribution of volunteering to thematic development areas such as education or health; and (iii) the economic value of volunteering. In addition, the SWVR will include a framework for a Volunteer Index. Following a brief presentation of the SWVR and Volunteer Index plans by the UNV, this interactive workshop will explore challenges and opportunities of volunteer measurement. In themed break out groups, delegates will share experiences and discuss difficulties and potential approaches to measuring development impact, reflecting on the usefulness as well as possible dimensions and variables of a Volunteer Index.


*Four different modalities of breakout sessions have been designed to amplify diverse voices and promote opportunities for delegates to share their experiences in engaging ways during IVCO 2024.
Click here to find out more about what to expect from each type of breakout session.


Breakout Session