
We’re putting the finishing touches on an inspiring line up for IVCO 2025! Stay tuned for the full schedule, including keynote sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities.

The high level programme outline includes:

Sunday 14th September: CEO Day (by invitation) A space to strengthen relationships between CEOs of Forum members and collaboratively address sector challenges

Sunday 14th September (evening): Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception – Welcome delegates and set the scene for IVCO 2025

Monday 15th September: Volunteering in Strengthening Civil Society and Building PeaceExploring how volunteering strengthens civil society and peace

Tuesday 16th September: A Changing Landscape for Volunteering and Civil Society – Exploring the impact of changes to civil society space, conflict and instability.

Wednesday 17th September: Taking Action: Measurement and Takeaways – How do we know if volunteers are making a positive difference to civil society and peace?

Thursday 18th September: Research Day – A day of participatory discussions bringing together practitioners, researchers and academics to focus on key trends.

Check back soon for updates, or subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when the full schedule is live!

Monday, 9 SEPTEMBER 2024

Welcome Day

09:00 - 17:00
Library Student Skills Centre Training Room 1
17:30 - 18:00
Great Hall, Sutherland Building
18:00 - 21:00
Social Time
Great Hall, Sutherland Building

Tuesday, 10 september 2024

Crises of Today and Crises of Tomorrow

Day 1 will frame where volunteering sits in relation to historical, contemporary, and future global crises. We will collectively explore the depth of the crises and what they mean for volunteering and development and for the work of volunteer-involving organisations. During this first day of IVCO 2024, we expect delegates to:

  • Identify intersecting global crises and how they impact, influence and/or shape volunteering and development work. 
  • Share experiences on the roles of volunteering in addressing contemporary global socioeconomic, environmental and technological challenges in different contexts.
  • Promote ‘questioning’ instead of solutioning as an effective approach to understanding and tackling prevailing challenges faced by volunteer-involving organisations.
08:30 - 09:30
Social Time
Registration and arrival coffee

Get registered, grab a cup of coffee, meet your fellow conference delegates, and get ready for the first conference day!

Students' Union (Escape)
09:30 - 09:50
Welcome and ways of being together

Welcoming words, logistical notes and sharing ways of being together throughout the IVCO 2024 conference.

Students' Union (Domain)
09:50 - 10:15
‘Geordie’ energiser

Canny morning! Ya alreet? Let's start connecting with each other and exploring the regional 'Geordie' identity and dialect from the Tyneside region of Northeast England.

Students' Union (Domain)
10:15 - 10:30
Why are we here? Mapping IVCO 2024 expectations

Quick exercise for delegates to collectively share what they anticipate gaining from this year’s IVCO conference.

Students' Union (Domain)
10:30 - 11:00
Building bridges: Volunteering and solidarity amidst global crises of today and tomorrow

The keynote speeches will set the conference’s tone by inspiring delegates to reflect about volunteering, connections and solidarity in the context of global crises.

Students' Union (Domain)
11:00 - 11:30
Social Time
Students' Union (Escape)
11:30 - 12:00
Setting the scene: Volunteering for solidarity in times of crises

This session will unpack the conference theme of ‘Building and Sustaining Connections for Change: Volunteering for Solidarity’, what the conference theme means for academics, practitioners, government and policymakers.

Students' Union (Domain)
12:00 - 12:30
Food for thought: Collective reflection activity

Engage in open discussions, share questions and exchange reflections on both the keynote speech and the roundtable session in smaller groups.

Students' Union (Domain)
12:30 - 13:45
Social Time
Lunch break

Food is the best conversation starter, so enjoy a lunch catered by The Magic Hat, who are actively tackling food waste in the UK. NOTE: If you have been invited to the Intergovernmental Lunch Meeting (12.40-13.40), please take your lunch with you and go downstairs to join others in the Students' Union Ground Floor Meeting Room (by invitation only).

Students' Union (Escape)
13:45 - 14:00
Transition time

Time to make your way from lunch to the breakout sessions in the Sandyford Building, next to the Students' Union. Feel free to grab a coffee to go!

14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
How-to Workshop: What questions do the intersecting global crises raise for volunteering and development?

This workshop will focus on strengthening capacity and sharing experience, skills and tools that can help delegates consider 'how to' approach and address similar issues in the volunteering and development sector. Speakers: Dervla King and Fiachra Brennan (Comhlámh); Lucie Morillon (France Volontaires) and Edem Agode (National Agency for Volunteerism in Togo). Moderator: Nancy Lafrance (CECI) – click on the session title for full details.

SANDYFORD BUILDING Room 2.04 (Second Floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Human Library: What questions do the intersecting global crises raise for volunteering and development?

This session will focus on sharing knowledge about volunteering and development through storytelling, allowing delegates to gain an in-depth insight into the experiences of others in a conversational and creative format. Speakers: Liyun Wendy Choo (VSA); Jacob Ingelgren (Swedish Red Cross); Wan Ahmad Hazman Bin Wan Daud (YSS). Moderator: Neil Denton (Durham University / Relationships Project) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.12 (Second Floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Pecha-Kucha: What questions do the intersecting global crises raise for volunteering and development?

This session will combine a set of dynamic presentations to deliver key messages mainly through images, exploring how transformative change can happen in different ways. Speakers: Vander Finotti (Youth Activist); Isidora D. Mytilinaiou (YouBeHero / Bayes Business School); Philippa Jane Chapman (COCO). Moderator: Sonia Fernandes (Pista Mágica) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.07 (Second Floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Strategy Conversation: What questions do the intersecting global crises raise for volunteering and development?

This panel session will provide high-level insights and real-world examples to inspire delegates to consider how intersecting global crises impact volunteering and development in different ways. Speakers: Yann Delaunay (France Volontaires); Cynthia Gukuta (Southern Africa Workcamps Cooperation); Jan Olav Baarøy (Norec); Nichole Cirillo (IAVE). Moderator: Katy Jenkins – click on the session title for full details.

SANDYFORD BUILDING Room 2.05 (Second Floor)
15:30 - 16:00
Social Time
Students' Union (Escape)
16:00 - 16:45
Convivial work: Facing the big questions

Let's reconvene in the plenary room and share learnings and key reflections from Day 1 through facilitated smaller group discussions before we close the day!

Students' Union (Domain)
16:45 - 17:00
Day 1 Wrap-up

Final plenary session to summarise key highlights of the day and share updates and final announcements.

Students' Union (Domain)
18:00 - 19:30
Forum Annual Meeting 2024

International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum) Annual Meeting, in-person and online (by invitation only).

Sandyford Building Room 2.05 (Second Floor)

Wednesday, 11 september 2024

Exploring Relationships for Solidarities in Times of Crises

Day 2 will focus on examining the kinds of relationships in volunteering, whether they are fit for purpose and how we might strengthen them to shape more sustainable ways of working. On this day we will flip the script, collectively exploring ideas of ‘failure’ and how these ideas can be a starting point for change. Through engaging sessions and conversations, delegates will be invited to share their experiences and collectively consider the relationships and solidarities that are needed at times of compounded crises, and how these can be created and sustained through volunteering. During this second day of IVCO 2024, we expect delegates to:

  • Critically reflect on the status quo and unpack what solidarity in its diversity currently looks like in volunteering spaces.
  • Draw from each other’s experiences to identify areas that need reform and areas where good practices need to be enhanced and be used in shared learning.
08:30 - 09:30
Social Time
Registration and arrival coffee

Get registered, grab a cup of coffee, meet your fellow conference delegates, and get ready for the second conference day!

Students' Union (Escape)
09:30 - 09:50
Welcome and energising recap

We will kickstart the day through an energising recap of Day 1 to get us geared up for Day 2.

Students' Union (Domain)
09:50 - 10:50
‘How to break a partnership’: An accessible toolkit!

We have all heard about how to make a great partnership - but what about breaking one? In this session, delegates will be challenged to explore failure when reflecting on existing and potential future connections and relationships.

Students' Union (Domain)
10:50 - 11:10
Social Time
Students' Union (Escape)
11:10 - 11:20
Transition time

Time to make your way to the breakout sessions in the Sandyford Building, next to the Students' Union. Feel free to grab a coffee to go!

From Students' Union to Sandyford Building
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning How-to Workshop: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This workshop will focus on strengthening capacity and sharing experience, skills and tools that can help delegates consider 'how to' approach and address similar issues in the volunteering and development sector. Speakers: Elizabeth Jung (Peace Corps); Sophia Nthuku (Habitat for Humanity). Moderator: Maxine Mpofu (Northumbria University) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.04 (Second floor)
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning Human Library: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This session will focus on sharing knowledge about volunteering and development through storytelling, allowing delegates to gain an in-depth insight into the experiences of others in a conversational and creative format. Speakers: Dervla King and Fiachra Brennan (Comhlámh); Lily Adjoa Elolo Bright and Alula Million Ketsela (COVOG); Sumana Banerjee (Northumbria University). Moderator: Reem Talhouk (Northumbria University) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.12 (Second floor)
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning Strategy Conversation: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This panel session will provide high-level insights and real-world examples for delegates to explore different ways of thinking about solidarity and fostering relationships in volunteering. Speakers: Tariku Negash Deneke (Serve Global); Pie Hong and Angela Wang (Waker); Philippe Dongier (CECI). Moderator: Rahim Hassanali (Habitat for Humanity International) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.05 (Second floor)
12:50 - 13:50
Social Time
Lunch break

Food is the best conversation starter, so enjoy a lunch catered by The Magic Hat, who are actively tackling food waste in the UK. NOTE: If you have been invited to the Global Volunteering Standard Review Meeting (13.00-13.50), please take your lunch with you and join others in the Students' Union Training Room 3 (first floor), next to where lunch is being served (by invitation only).

Students' Union (Escape)
13:50 - 14:00
Transition time

Time to make your way from lunch to the breakout sessions in the Sandyford Building, next to the Students' Union. Feel free to grab a coffee to go!

From Students' Union to Sandyford Building
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon How-to Workshop: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This interactive workshop will focus on strengthening capacity and sharing experience, skills and tools that can help delegates consider 'how to' approach and address similar issues in the volunteering and development sector. Speaker: Tonje Polden Steinsland (Norec). Moderators: James O'Brien (Forum) and Marie Claude-Mercier (IBCR) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.04 (Second floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon Human Library: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This session will focus on sharing knowledge about volunteering and development through storytelling, allowing delegates to gain an in-depth insight into the experiences of others in a conversational and creative format. Speakers: Maxine Mpofu (Northumbria University); Michael Bartle (University of Dundee); Ratherford Mwaruta (Zimbabwe Workcamps Association); Cliff Allum (University of Birmingham). Moderators: Dervla King and Fiachra Brennan (Comhlámh) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.12 (Second floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon Pecha-Kucha: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This session will combine a set of dynamic presentations to deliver key messages mainly through images, exploring how transformative change can happen in different ways. Speakers: Christine Frazer (Bensham Grove Community Centre) and Neil Denton (Durham University / Relationships Project); Kieron Smith (Leitrim Volunteer Centre); Liyun Wendy Choo (VSA); Arielle Kitio (Cameroon Youth School Tech Incubator). Moderator: Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.07 (Second floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon Strategy Conversation: Changing relationships for a world in crisis

This panel session will provide high-level insights and real-world examples for delegates to explore different ways of thinking about solidarity and fostering relationships in volunteering. Speakers: Ryutaro Kobayashi and Yuko Sasaki (JICA); Ass. Prof. Dr Kedkun Srakawee (Thammasat University, Thailand); Meshack Odede Owino (VIO Society Kenya). Moderator: Jean Tan (SBF Foundation) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.05 (Second floor)
15:30 - 16:00
Social Time
Afternoon coffee break

Grab a cup of coffee, meet your fellow conference delegates, and prepare for the final afternoon sessions!

Students' Union (Escape)
16:00 - 16:45
Convivial work: Building mutually supportive relationships

Let's reconvene in the plenary room and share learnings and key reflections from Day 2 through facilitated smaller group discussions before we close the day!

Students' Union (Domain)
16:45 - 17:00
Day 2 Wrap-Up

Final plenary session to summarise key highlights of the day and share updates and final announcements.

Students' Union (Domain)
17:30 - 21:00
Social Time
Social Get Together

Let's get together for an informal evening activity with IVCO delegates, with some music and the opportunity to catch up with new and old colleagues and friends! A buffet dinner will be provided to delegates; drinks will be available for purchase.

Students' Union (Habita)

Thursday, 12 september 2024

Embarking on a Collective Journey of Volunteering for Transformative Change

Day 3 will focus on sharing existing practices and exploring new approaches to relationships that can enhance the impact of volunteering and strengthen our capacities to navigate the crises of today and tomorrow. We will explore how volunteering is being re-imagined and re-configured to build solidarities to promote sustainable development. The day will particularly focus on the connections between the kinds of relationships that volunteering can create and produce, and how these relationships can enhance capacities, promote resilience, speak back to power, and shape more sustainable ways of living and being. We will round up discussions from previous days on the ways relationships are built, fostered and maintained in the sector, including addressing challenges of trust building in an increasingly divided world. During this final day of IVCO 2024, we expect delegates to reflect upon:

  • How might a better relationship with ourselves, with others and with the environment contribute to strengthening personal and collective resilience and creating the better world we know is possible? 
  • How might we move towards a ‘volunteering for solidarity’ approach that challenges the traditional focus of aid and development flows and enables more meaningful and lasting social change?
  • Moving forward, what are the limitations of ‘volunteering for solidarity’ and how can we better support each other to sustain relationships that promote transformative change?
08:30 - 09:30
Social Time
Registration and arrival coffee

Get registered, grab a cup of coffee, meet your fellow conference delegates, and get ready for the third conference day!

Students' Union (Escape)
09:30 - 09:45
Welcome and energising recap

We will kickstart the day through an energising recap of Day 2 to get us geared up for Day 3.

Students' Union (Domain)
9:45 - 10:00
Group photo

Let’s capture the moment with all IVCO 2024 delegates together!

Students' Union (Domain)
10:00 - 10:50
Packing for the journey!

The session will focus on key take-aways for the future through a dialogue on what it means to shift from ‘volunteering for development’ to ‘volunteering for solidarity’ approach. What do we need to ‘pack’ for this journey?

Students' Union (Domain)
10:50 - 11:10
Social Time
Morning coffee break

Grab a cup of coffee, meet your fellow conference delegates and get ready for the next round of breakout sessions!

Students' Union (Escape)
11:10 - 11:20
Transition time

Time to make your way to the breakout sessions in the Sandyford Building, next to the Students' Union. Feel free to grab a coffee to go!

From Students' Union to Sandyford Building
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning How-to Workshop: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This workshop will strengthen delegates' technical knowledge and build their capacity in evidence gathering, practical project design and management, and impact pathways, focusing on needs and challenges encountered in the volunteering and development sector. Speakers: Jérôme Leblanc & Jean-Alexandre Fortin (SUCO). Moderator: Katy Jenkins – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.04 (Second Floor)
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning Human Library: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This session will focus on sharing knowledge about volunteering and development through storytelling, allowing delegates to gain an in-depth insight into the experiences of others in a conversational and creative format. Speakers: Jossam Josiah Katanga (VSO); Pie Hong and Angela Wang (Waker); Andrea DeSantis (Peace Corps). Moderator: Reem Talhouk (Northumbria University) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.12 (Second Floor)
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning Pecha-Kucha: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This session will combine a set of dynamic presentations to deliver key messages mainly through images, exploring how transformative change can happen in different ways. Speakers: Roxanne Boivin (Éducation internationale - Programme CLÉ); Seher Afsheen (VSO); William Bougaire and Amy Nagus (Oxfam Québec). Moderator: Inge Boudewijn (Northumbria University) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.07 (Second Floor)
11:20 - 12:50
Breakout Session
Morning Strategy Conversation: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This panel session will provide high-level insights and real-world examples for delegates to explore different ways of thinking about solidarity and fostering relationships in volunteering. Speakers: Pablo Dourojeanni (Norec); Sonia Fernandes (Pista Mágica); James O’Brien (Forum) and Cliff Allum (University of Birmingham). Moderator: Erin Bateman (WUSC) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.05 (Second Floor)
12:50 - 13:50
Social Time
Lunch break

Food is the best conversation starter, so enjoy a lunch catered by The Magic Hat, who are actively tackling food waste in the UK. NOTE: If you have been invited to the Support for Volunteering Infrastructure Meeting (13.00-13.50), please take your lunch with you and join others in the Students' Union Training Room 1 (first floor), next to where lunch is being served.

Students' Union (Escape)
13:50 - 14:00
Transition time

Time to make your way from lunch to the final breakout sessions in the Sandyford Building, next to the Students' Union. Feel free to grab a coffee to go!

From Students' Union to Sandyford Building
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon How-to Workshop: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This interactive workshop will focus on promoting debate and sharing experiences, skills and tools on 'how to' approach the challenges and opportunities of measurement in the volunteering and development sector. Speakers: Tapiwa Kamuruko and Vera Chrobok (UNV). Moderator: Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.05 (Second Floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon Human Library: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This session will focus on sharing knowledge about volunteering and development through storytelling, allowing delegates to gain an in-depth insight into the experiences of others in a conversational and creative format. Speakers: Und Hattaya Wongsaengpaiboon (VSO); Kathleen Boodhai and Padma Rao (Sangini); Jürgen Deile (CCC). Moderator: Fiachra Brennan (Comhlámh) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.12 (Second Floor)
14:00 - 15:30
Breakout Session
Afternoon Strategy Conversation: The impacts of volunteering in a divided world

This panel session will provide high-level insights and real-world examples for delegates to explore different ways of thinking about solidarity and fostering relationships in volunteering. Speakers: Paul Kabwe (Habitat for Humanity); Helge Espe (Independent Analyst); Erastus Mong'are (Peace Corps). Moderator: Lucie Morillon (France Volontaires) – click on the session title for full details.

Sandyford Building Room 2.04 (Second Floor)
15:40 - 16:00
Closing ceremony

We will wrap-up IVCO 2024 with high level take-aways from the conference and the announcement the hosts and theme for IVCO 2025!

Students' Union (Domain)
16:00 - 16:30
Social Time
Closing coffee

That's it for IVCO 2024! For those joining the RPPL day tomorrow, check out all the details on the dedicated page. For those leaving today, see you next year for IVCO 2025!

Students' Union (Escape)

Friday, 13 September 2024

Research, Policy, Practice and Learning (RPPL) Day

The Forum Research, Practice, Policy and Learning (RPPL) Day brings Forum members together with researchers and academics who work in the field of volunteering and development. The RPPL group guides Forum’s research priorities and maintains and register of ongoing research. The group meets monthly for a presentation and discussion of a research project, and it commissions research and strategy work on behalf of the Forum membership. 

You can find more information about Forum Member Groups (including the RPPL Group) here.

09:30 - 10:00
Great Hall, Sutherland Building
10:00 - 11:00
Knowledge sharing through visual posters

Delegates will have the opportunity to grab a coffee and learn from each other's past achievements, current explorations and future aspirations through a facilitated walk around the room for knowledge sharing through visual posters.

Great Hall, Sutherland Building
11:00 - 11:30
The invisible economies of engaged research: Working the spaces of academia, policy making and practice

This presentation will encourage delegates to reflect on forms of engaged research, challenges and emerging strategies for engagement.

Great Hall, Sutherland Building
11:30 - 13:00
Convivial group work: Focus on research design and learning

This first round of facilitated group work will encourage delegates to focus on research design and learning, exploring questions such as: How do we develop a research question? How can we broaden the horizon of how to do research? What is difficult about it? How can we learn from each other about the ways we've done it? How can we do it differently?

Great Hall, Sutherland Building
13:00 - 14:00
Great Hall, Sutherland Building
14:00 - 15:30
Convivial group work: Focus on research ethics, impact and policy influence

This second round of facilitated group work will encourage delegates to focus on research ethics, impact and policy infuence exploring questions such as: How can we conduct research in a way that is respectful to all involved before, during and after the work? What happens to research after it's done? Who do we want to influence with our research? How can we learn from each other's challenges and successes?

Great Hall, Sutherland Building
15:30 - 16:00

Let's close with a chance for some collective sharing to round off the RPPL day - and IVCO 2024!

Great Hall, Sutherland Building