Inge Boudewijn

Assistant Professor - Centre for Global Development, Northumbria University

Dr Inge Boudewijn is an Assistant Professor in Human Geography at Northumbria University’s Centre for Global Development, where she brings an interdisciplinary approach drawing from geography, sociology, and anthropology. As a feminist academic, Inge’s research interests encompass gender issues related to large-scale resource extraction, women’s activism, and volunteering. She is particularly committed to qualitative research employing feminist and creative methodologies, with a focus on decolonising research practices and collaborating with partners and grassroots organisations in the Global South. Inge has actively contributed to various research projects that align with her interests in women’s activism and volunteering. One significant project is ‘RECLAMA: Harnessing Afro-Ecuadorian Women’s Heritage’, which works with Afro-Ecuadorian women in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. This initiative aims to foster collective creative reflection on identity and to value culturally specific narratives and practices as a means to promote equitable development in the face of marginalisation and violence linked to resource extraction. Additionally, she was involved in ‘Volunteering Together: Blending Knowledge and Skills for Development’, which developed participatory approaches with VSO country offices and local researchers in Tanzania, Uganda, and Nepal, exploring how varied volunteer collaboration can enhance development outcomes. Inge will be one of the moderators during the IVCO Conference.