Lily Adjoa Elolo Bright

President - Coalition of Volunteering Organisations, Ghana (COVOG)

Lily Bright is the President of the Coalition of Volunteering Organisations, Ghana (COVOG), an umbrella organisation for Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in Ghana, focusing on advocacy and member support. As a member of the Ghana Girl Guides Association, Lily held the position of District Commissioner and trainer for 14 years, and served on various other leadership platforms. In 2016, she founded Destiny Fulfillers Time (DFT), an NGO dedicated to supporting and empowering girls and young women with employable skills and counselling. She is also the Country Director for the Ghana chapter of Good Deeds Day and is a Principal of a school in Accra. Lily Bright, Veronica Nanor and Alula Ketsela will be presenting on “Failing Forward: Embracing Complexity in Volunteering” in a Human Library Session during the IVCO 2024 Conference.