Liyun Wendy Choo

Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Advisor - Te Tūao Tāwāhi Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA)

Dr Liyun Wendy Choo is a Senior Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) Advisor at Te Tūao Tāwāhi Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She holds a Master in Education, a Master in International Studies, and a PhD in Education and International Development. Her current work at VSA involves developing the Outcomes Framework for monitoring the agency’s programmes across the Pacific, conducting evaluations and reviews of the agency’s programmes and processes, and carrying out research to inform the agency’s strategic direction.Wendy will take part in a Human Library Session to present on “The notion of va to rethink international volunteering for development and solidarity in the Pacific”, based on the IVCO 2024 Think Piece, co-authored with Aarthi Srinivasan and Alofa Lopati from VSA. Wendy will also join a Pecha-Kucha Session during the IVCO 2024 Conference to deliver the following presentation: “From “me, myself and the world” to “we in the world”: The value of volunteering for development”.