Marie-Claude Mercier

Director of Operations and Partnerships - International Bureau of Children’s Rights (IBCR)

With a degree in Psychology and a Graduate Diploma in Project Management, Marie-Claude has over 20 years’ experience in the management of international development projects and programmes. She has held a number of management positions in Canada, Africa, Asia and Latin America, managing projects in the fields of gender equality, global citizenship education, the environment, economic development and food security. Early in her career, Marie-Claude worked as a psychosocial counsellor with street youth in Vancouver and Honduras. Later on, she made the transition to international work, where she held various management positions. She then moved to Nicaragua for three years, where she was Country Representative and Director of a bilateral youth agro-ecology project with Solidarité Union Cooperation (SUCO). On her return from Central America, she became Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean and then Director of the Volunteer Cooperation Programme at Oxfam-Québec. She is currently the Director of Operations and Partnerships at the International Bureau of Children’s Rights (IBCR). Marie-Claude will be one of the moderators during the IVCO 2024 Conference.